
Are you a student interested in Undergraduate Research? Dr. Bonham’s research group is always looking for highly motivated, dedicated, and enthusiastic student researchers. Undergraduate research broadens your horizons, prepares you for a future career in science or bio-technology, and lets you “test drive” a career path.


Currently, the Bonham Research Lab is seeking students in the following areas:

    • Bio-Sensor Design and Optimization
      We are looking for a student with a computer programming and mathematics background, with an interest in building and using computational tools to build algorithms for automated design of DNA-based bio-sensors for detecting transcription factor protein activity in cellular samples.

    • Electrochemical Bio-Sensors for Medical Diagnostics and Environmental Testing
      We are looking for a student with a background in biochemistry or molecular biology, with an interest in creating and testing bio-sensors to detect medical or environmental biomarkers.

  • Investigation of human DNA methylation patterns
    We are looking for a student with a background or interest in computer programming, with an interest in designing and improving software to detect allele-specific DNA methylation patterns to understand cancer progression.


If you are interested in working with the Bonham Research Lab, contact Dr. Bonham and introduce your background/qualifications and availability for research work.
